Missing payment to Ergo Full Node wallet

I use F2Pool for mining ERGO and use the ERGO Full Node for a wallet. F2Pool sent a payment to my ERGO payment address on the 12th of January but it has yet to reach my wallet. My wallet shows as fully synced along with the node being fully synced. Going to the explorer, I am able to see that the payment has over 5000 confirmations on the TXID and the Explorer shows the right balance in my receive id but the wallet itself is not showing the balance on my receive id. I am including screenshots of all of this information for you to see below.

Status of node and wallet

What can I do to correct this issue?

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Transaction confirmations

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What wallet balance should be

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Is there anyone that can help me with this issue?

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I ended up completely redoing the node and importing the old wallet into the system which corrected the issue.