Just joined the ergo gang!

So ive joined the ergo mining gang tonight!
Im currently using my 4x 3060 12gb cards but thinking about switching my 5x 3060 ti 3x rx 580 8gb 2x Rx 570 8gb 2x 1060 6gb 1x 3080 cards onto ergo.
I have a question about hashrates for the cards as my 3060s are running at 120mhs each at 118w each, does this sound right? These are my eth settings so im guessing i can do better? If so any help would be greatly appreciated!


I get 171 Mh/s with these settings in Hive OS.

Core -200 MEM 2500 PL 140.

For my opinion its the best setting, i tried many others.

Set autofan control. 65 degrees fan at 60%.

Hope this helps.

Greets Moe