How to run two ergo nodes in same computer?

I would need 2 separate wallets, so I assume I need to run 2 instances of ergo node. I need two directories, but how do I configure second node to run on different ports?

Ok, one possible solution is to have two separate directories, and just run one instance at the time. Not very elegant, but works?

You also need to occupy different ports:

e.g. for first node:

scorex {
  network {
     bindAddress = "" 
  restApi {
    bindAddress = ""

and second one:

scorex {
  network {
     bindAddress = "" 
  restApi {
    bindAddress = ""

and different folders, yes


Run 2 types of mining programs

TRM, nbminer…

That does not help, point was to have 2 separate wallets in same machine. This machine is not actually even mining.

Yeah, configuring ports works as expected. Now I have my two nodes up!