Setup Help please

Quick back story. I intend to mine. followed instructions on platform how to create desktop node and wallet. The link,, doesn’t work. Gave up on desktop and made mobile node for wallet address. Configured bat file for NBminer on bitfly pool

Problem i have- miner launches identifies gpus and crashes. Doesnt stay open long enough to read error. bat file set up as follows

nbminer -a ergo -o stratum+tcp:// -u 9hwGFxQhRyy4ye8GLEYthZVDMkxUi2XiS4jK1bwiSJfCRmCKZ8v.ergopc -log

Any ideas?

nbminer -a ergo -o stratum+tcp:// 3333 -u 9hwGFxQhRyy4ye8GLEYthZVDMkxUi2XiS4jK1bwiSJfCRmCKZ8v.ergopc -log

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