Lost ergo . Someone stole mu erg?

I have a queastion. I had 320 erg I didn’t do any trades. I checked my account today and lost my ergo. Whats happend ? Someone stole my ergo ?

I have not made any transfers. Only minimg

That is a nightmare, I’m sorry. Someone must have gotten access to your seed phrase, and harvested the bag in 2 chunks.

Depending on how you stored your seed phrase, there are many ways this could have happened.

I hesitate to give any advice about trying to find the thief, but I would definitely create a new wallet for the rigs and tighten up security.

I have everything on paper so how he stole my phrase ??

Soo i Lost my money ?

Did you ever read it out loud?

Did you ever type it into a webform or other app on an unsecured machine?

How can you be sure nobody made a copy of the paper?

Well, yes, unless you have an idea on who did it. Then you could pursue it, but given the amount I doubt that authorities will get involved.

This is not a lot od money. But only me know phrase.

is that the only explanation? maybe a hacker?

can you check to see what wallet it was sent to?

-229 erg
