Please provide ideas on agorism and peaceful counter economics

I’m going to cross-post this to the other thread comparing Ethereum to Ergo.

At this time I don’t have any more questions regarding accounting model vs. UTXO. Thanks for the concurrency explanation. I saw that Cardano DEXES were struggling with currency issues and had difficulty coming up with decentralized solutions. Hopefully the UTXO Alliance will provide a viable community for solving UTXO-specific issues.

Regarding the debt based economy, I think it is actually the best way to establish a distributed system that rewarded the growth and punished the stagnation of parts of our economy for decades…

How does a debt-based system punish stagnation? I imagine businesses who take out loans might grow faster than businesses who are more risk adverse.

edit 1: added hyperlink
edit 2: added hyperlink

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