ErgoScript playground using Kiosk

As follow up, an online instance of Kiosk for experimental use is deployed at
This is running the exact code at
Please use the above instance only for experiments and not for transferring any large amounts.
For actual use, run your local instance as explained below.

To run you own copy (which is the right way to use it), you must clone the project and then do one of the following.

  1. Run sbt using the command sbt
    Then inside sbt prompt type the following jetty:start
    This will run the project using built in jetty web server on port 8080 which you can access at http://localhost:8080

  2. Compile the war file using sbt package. (the file is in target/scala-2.12 folder in my case). Then run the war file as you would run any other J2EE app.

Kiosk currently depends only on ergo-appkit and uses the public explorer to post transactions. In particular it does not require a local running Ergo node.

Signing is performed via Appkit, which replicates a large part of the Ergo node wallet’s functionality locally. after all both are JVM based).

Kiosk is “multi-tenant” because each URL corresponds to a private copy of the script environment and box storage. Hence you can bookmark a URL and visit it later, and your declared variables and boxes should be present. Without the same URL, no one else will be able to see or modify your environment.