EMURGO and Ergo platform mark a historic moment for UTXO based dApps and DeFi applications. Developers may now build and run Oracle Pools on the Ergo blockchain with the joint release of our smart contracts & off-chain “Oracle Core” https://github.com/ergoplatform/oracle-core/
Ergo Platform has developed 2 public Oracle Pools, Cardano ADA/USD and Ergo Erg/USD https://explorer.ergoplatform.com/en/oracle-pools-list
New Video: Robert Kornacki of EMURGO does a deep dive into the ground breaking research behind the Oracle Pools Smart Contract Specification https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7QpNqy2w5LY
A chart of the ERG/USD oracle pool data by Jason Davies Today EMURGO and Ergo platform mark a historic moment for UTXO based dApps and DeFi applications. Developers may now build and run Oracle Pools on the Ergo blockchain with the joint release of our smart contracts & off-chain "Oracle Core"
StakeNuts and Clio.1 joined the oracle pools on Ergo https://twitter.com/stakenuts/status/1299665782553673728 https://twitter.com/ClioPool/status/1299475618531246081
New stable coin is coming to Ergo https://twitter.com/Florian7788/status/1300434926014267392
Anon2020s delivers Ergo Mixer, ZeroJoin Mixer for ERG and Tokens, binaries ErgoMixer, ZeroJoin Mixer for ERG and Tokens
Anon_real delivers Zero Knowledge Treasury Zero-Knowledge Treasury on Top of ERGO
Videos made by a community members introducing and setting up Ergo Mixer ErgoMixer - Introduction and tutorials
A Quick Primer on ErgoScript by ScalaHub https://github.com/ergoplatform/ergo/wiki/ErgoScript-Overview
Ergo Mainnet 3.3.0 and 3.3.1 released https://github.com/ergoplatform/ergo/releases
Ergo Platform Explorer 2.0.0 released https://github.com/ergoplatform/explorer-backend/releases/tag/2.0.0
EMURGO research brings us one step closer to the dApps <-> Yoroi Wallet interaction https://github.com/Emurgo/Emurgo-Research/blob/master/ergo/EIP-0012.md
EMURGO is pleased to officially announce that EMURGO’s Head of R&D and smart contract developer Robert Kornacki was appointed as a new board member of the Ergo Foundation https://emurgo.io/blog/emurgo-head-of-rd-robert-kornacki-appointed-to-ergo-foundation-board
Ergo roadmap for 2020 https://ergoplatform.org/en/blog/2020-08-04-ergo-roadmap-for-2020/
Ergo miners raised the computational cost limit per block to 2.5M https://twitter.com/chepurnoy/status/1296723105327579136
“DeFi versus central bank digital currency? Who is gonna win?” by Crypto Rich https://twitter.com/CryptoRichYT/status/1296060584648216578
“What’s happening with these 6 altcoins” by Crypto Rich https://twitter.com/CryptoRichYT/status/1299041543681118210
Building Ergo: Our Vision for DeFi https://ergoplatform.org/en/blog/2020-08-13-building-ergo-our-vision-for-defi/
Ergo’s Vision for DeFi: Ergo vs CBDCs https://ergoplatform.org/en/blog/2020-08-17-ergos-vision-for-defi-ergo-vs-cbdcs/
The Evolution of Programmable Money https://ergoplatform.org/en/blog/2020-08-20-the-evolution-of-programmable-money/
Transcript of the Oracle Pools Q&A session with Robert Kornacki https://ergoplatform.org/en/blog/2020-08-28-transcript-of-first-q-a-session-with-robert-kornacki/
Ergo’s Oracle Pools, and what they mean for the ecosystem https://ergoplatform.org/en/blog/2020-08-31-ergos-oracle-pools-and-what-they-mean-for-the-ecosystem/