Ergo Emission: details, retargeting via a soft-fork

I’m a miner and sure some miners would like to utilize their mining equipment for longer or have it retain its resale value for longer, and slowing emissions could help the price of Ergo, yet I personally think Ergo will continue to grow in market share and adoption with the emissions remaining as is, but as an alternate idea for remissions one could maybe make the remission of mining rewards entirely voluntarily, make it so that remitting to the re-emission contract causes some re-emission tokens to be given to one, and then once emissions would be zero, have it so that miners with re-emission tokens can claim emissions from the re-emission contract by sending the tokens back to the re-emission contract along with mining a new block, then after 720 blocks if the new block is still confirmed then the re-emission contract sends them a re-emission, so they only get re-emissions if they have been saving re-emission tokens to collect them.

To further incentivize storing re-emissions by miners, one could make it so that storage fees went into the re-emission contract as stated above, and make it so that all storage fees go to holders of re-emission tokens until all the re-emission tokens are burnt. This could make it so that re-emissions tokens could be very valuable in case a report of a large amount Ergo is claimed to be lost etc. Also, maybe make re-emission tokens non-linear in distribution, so that those that defer first are given more than those that defer towards the end of the original emissions curve.

Also, this system could be sustainable as even once re-emissions occur one could still be given the possibility to defer to the re-emission contract to receive new re-emissions tokens for mining a block instead of receiving a re-emission, so one could mine for re-emissions tokens, which could rise in value in the event that a large amount of Erg is lost and the remaining re-emission pool greatly expands.

I think this voluntary scheme would be a profitable model for miners and sustained Ergo adoption with healthy long term growth.