Ergo Emission: details, retargeting via a soft-fork

Going from this post in 2020 as far as I understand storage rent will begin 4 years into emission so in 2023?

“Fee is to be paid every four years, and proportional to number of bytes a coin is consuming, so price_per_byte * size. price_per_byte can be changed via miners voting, but max value is just 2x from the default one (and min value is 0).”

But previous comment 8 days prior says

“3 years also okay. Storage rent will be charged before emission is over, basically, since year 3 miners will get something (so community will have time to estimate how well loss of subsidies from emission will be covered by the storage rent).”

Either way beginning at 3 or 4 years, the storage rent fee is currently set to reward miners directly as soon as it’s implemented? If so, I would think a good portion or likely all of the storage fees charged prior to emissions end should be collected for rewards post emission. And the same with transaction fees.

Maybe 100% of storage rent and a portion (20-80%) of transaction fees to be saved for post emission rewards. And transaction fees can be “saved” in non linear fashion e.g. 100% saved for remission at first, decreasing every X months to only 20% saved for re emission in the final 3-6 months of emission. Maybe it’d be best to do the same with storage rent, still pay portion of storage rent directly to miners in last stages of emission schedule.

The real question to me is not if we should do this but when and how far do we think we should spread re emission rewards post emissions end at 8 years.

I’m trying to look at this as a what’s best for network security and long term health of the network. And not a guy who’s concerned with ROI on my small but overpriced 375mh/s rig.

Also, could storage rent fee be increased beyond 2x via soft fork?