Rosen Bridge is testing Binance Smart Chain (BSC) and The Dogecoin (DOGE) integrations. The integration of RoseNet into the guard-service is underway. The bridge is also starting to work on adding new tokens from Ergo and Cardano.
Ledger integration code updated towards Ledger team review and now under another Ledger team review and functional testing again. A party to do security audit has been found!
Ergo protocol reference client 6.0.0-RC1 (for testnets only!) released ! Release Ergo protocol reference client 6.0.0-RC1 (for testnets only!) · ergoplatform/ergo · GitHub . Most of changes seen from ErgoScript level can be found now by checking diff for LangSpec.md Candidate for 6.0.0 release by kushti · Pull Request #930 · ergoplatform/sigmastate-interpreter · GitHub
Ergo node 5.0.25 is finalized and will be released after reviewing
c8e4d2a released retail options concept GitHub - SavonarolaLabs/options. CC0 license, feel free to use it.
c8e4d2a started EXLE UI rework: GitHub - SavonarolaLabs/exle-html , demo: Exle
MewFund Alpha is here, with first two meme tokens, Pumperino and Hodlerino, launched! Learn more: https://fund.mewfinance.com